Week 4: A Picture is Worth

This video is to confusing because I can’t here what there saying but I think its funny.Today we learned about copyrighting.When we were learning about Sharing Creative Work an illustrated primer.For us to understand what we were learning about.Our teacher showed us a video about pretty much all of Disney shows and movies and they were saying you shouldn’t use peoples writing without permission that’s also called copyright.๐Ÿ‘ŽWhat if I don’t want someone else to share my work?๐Ÿ‘…

The second part of the video they talk about what things can be copyrighted.Examples are movies, Dances, Songs, Books, and plays.At the beginning of time you can have copyright for 14 years, but then things changed.The public domain is necessary for us.Now it’s a lifetime plus seventy years after the death of the creator you can copyright.Right now I can kind of understand them better.Also if it’s a fair use you can use the work.I think that Disney used Disney cartoons because if someone copyrights disney they won’t because there too scared of them because Disney has a lot of money so they can sew the copyrighters.


One thought on “Week 4: A Picture is Worth

  1. Your an amazing writer I think you should do poetry in the future. If you ever want any job ideas I could help you out. I hope you can get to where you want in life.

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