Week 10 Part B Evaluation & Auditing

How many posts did you write?
This year I probably have wrote about eleven Blogs.

How many were school based, your own interests or set by the challenge?
School Challenge :9

Own interest:2

How many comments did you receive from classmates, teachers or overseas students?
This year I have received 11 comments on my blogs.

Which post received the most comments? Why do you think that happened?
The most comments I have received on a blog was “Be the Leader”.
I think I had the most comments on that blog because it was touching and some people have gotten bullied so they know how it felt when they read it.

Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why?
I enjoyed writing “You Got a Fam or Nah”, because it means a lot to the people that don’t have a complete family, and it means a lot when people feel so pleased with my blog.
It was also fun writing this blog because my family help me write this.

Did you change blog themes at all and why?
I changed my blog only once.
I changed it that one time so my theme can relate to my writing.

How many widgets do you have?
There are 7 widgets

Do you think this is too many or not enough?
I think it’s just right, so it can be easier to manage when I want to edit it.

How many overseas students do you have on your blogroll?
There are no overseas students I have on my blogroll, because I haven’t sent in my nomination blog.

Jocelle/mother of me/L.A:What were your first impressions of this blog?
My first impression of this blog was very emotional because when I heard about the blog called “You Got a Fam or Nah” it meant a lot that she felt that way about our family.

What captured your attention?
The way how she made an example of our family “is considered a great family” that captured my attention.

What distracted you on the blog?
When my daughter wrote a poem she distracted me when she kept writing these beautiful poems about her life processes.It made me go back to it over and over again.

What suggestions can you give me to improve my blog?
My daughter has a wonderful blog it’s just she texts a lot so she always uses “LOL” for laughing and for saying gross she say “TMI” or “Eww..!!”

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